Plan your holidays according to this unique Festivals and Events Calendar - the best way to get in touch with unforgettable Kyrgyz national games, customs and traditions.
Disclaimer: The following calendar is based on information received from organizers of events, local tourism boards and other sources. Changes and cancellations may occur with no prior notice due to any reasons. It is strongly advised to check dates and location before finalizing your travel plan with organizers of the events whose contacts are provided below.
~We cannot provide any additional information other than mentioned below~
Dates in RED - not confirmed / under review.
Dates in GREEN - preliminary confirmed for 2025 but advised to check before your trip.

January, 2025 | Arslanbob Ski Run
Ski run. Competitions for children and adults.
Entry fee: 1000 soms (entrance fee, lunch and folklore show)
Location: Arslanbob Village, Jalal-Abad Region Organizer contact: CBT Arslanbob; +996 777 342476

March 21, 2025 | Nooruz
Tradition of preparing national dish of sumolok on the day of the spring equinox, local governments would organize concerts and small national sport competitions. In honor of the Nooruz holiday the event exhibits works of local craftsman's with the most authentic and popular types of their products.
Location: Bishkek, All regions of Kyrgyzstan

March 21, 2025| Sumolok Festival
Preparing the national dish “Sumolok”, national games, concert show. Nooruz is a holiday that unites all people in a large family and friendly circle. Where the main symbol is the traditional sumolok dish. It is believed that sumolok gives people a special vitality and energy. It is the strength of the body and spirit.
The word "sumolok" (the dish is also called "sumanak", "sumalak", "sumelek") comes from two words - "sum", which means "steamed wheat" and "laks" - wheat flour.
Entry fee: 800 som / 10 USD (lunch included)
Location: Jalal-Abad 2nd lane Soviet house #3 | Organizer contact: CBT Jalal-Abad; +996 772 376602; +996 3722 21962

April 20-25, 2025 | Week of Traditional Music
The annual celebration of the Day of Traditional Music has become a good tradition, a holiday for the keepers of professional oral music. The aim of the week is to preserve, improve and develop traditional music, layers of oral-professional music in folklore and oral tradition in the era of globalization. Master classes on making national instruments and an exhibition of national traditional clothes and household tools are held.
Location: Bishkek, Ala-Too Square | Google Map
May 01, 2025 | Alpiniada 2025
The Alpiniada is held with the aim of popularizing mountaineering, rock climbing, ice climbing, sustainable tourism, improving the skills of athletes and rescuers of the public rescue team, as well as promoting a healthy lifestyle and improving the health of the population.
Location: Bishkek, Ala-Archa Gorge | Google Map | Organizer contact: Alpine Club of the Kyrgyz Republic; +996 312 621861

TBD | Arslanbob MTB competition
Mountain biking competition.
Entry fee: 1500 som / 20 USD (lunch included)
Location: Arslanbob Village, Jalal-Abad Region Organizer contact: CBT Arslanbob; +996 777 342476

May dates TBD| Festival of migratory birds
Creation and preservation of micro-reserves, development of ecological tourism.
Location: Kara-Talaa, Ton district, Issyk-Kul region | Organizer contact: Bakyt Choytonbaev
Tel.:+996 700 267795, +996 778 267795; Ermek Shabukeev +996 700 707040

TBD | Kymyz Bazaar Festival
At the Kymyz Bazaar festival, conditions will be created for domestic producers to popularize the national drink and improve the quality of the product. The main goal of the event is to increase the awareness and demand for kymyz among the local population and tourists. The program includes traditional games, a folklore concert, handicraft and cooking classes
Location: Bishkek, Baibol Complex | Organizer contact: Mansur Abylaev; +996 770 333323

TBD | Joo-Guluk Tushoo Toi Festival
Annual festival. Festival program: 10 km marathon, starting from the center of Bokonbaevo village to the coastal zone of Manzhyly- Ata
Location: Bokonbaevo village and coastal zone of Manzhyly-Ata | Organizer contact: CBT Bokonbayevo; +996 700 267795, +996 778 267795
TBD | Kymyz Festival
The goal of the event is to praise the generosity of Kyrgyz people and treat guests with the traditional beverage Kymyz, and also to familiarize them with the therapeutic properties of this drink.
Herodotus spoke about this drink of the nomadic tribes, describing his last wanderings. To prepare koumiss, you must first choose the basis for fermentation. Mare or camel milk is suitable. Then wait for a certain fermentation time. After that, distillate is poured into raw unpasteurized milk and fermented at 300 degrees for 8-10 hours.
Kymyz combines the taste of both milk and alcohol. The higher the fat content of milk, the richer and stronger the Kymyz will be. The maximum strength of the drink is 5-6%.
Location: Kochkor, Naryn region | Organizer contact:

TBD | Kurut Festival
Festival of domestic producers of fermented milk products to promote traditional cuisine and preserve food. The main goal of the event is to promote authentic methods of preparation and consumption of Kyrgyz dairy products. The program includes traditional games, a folklore concert, handicraft and cooking classes.
Location: Bishkek, Baibol Complex | Organizer contact: Mansur Abylaev; +996 770 333323

| Festival AK Orgo Kotoruu
National yurt construction in order to recreate forgotten Kyrgyz traditions. Yurts have been a distinctive feature of life in Central Asia for at least three thousand years. The first written description of a yurt used as a dwelling was recorded by the ancient Greek historian Herodotus. He described yurt-like tents as the dwelling place of the Scythians, a horse riding-nomadic nation who lived in the northern Black Sea and Central Asian region from around 600 BC to AD 300.
Location: Kyzyl-Tuu village, Issyk-Kul | Google Map | Organizer contact: СВТ Bokonbayevo; +996 700 707040

TBD | Kurak Jana Terme Festival
The festival is dedicated to Kurak – traditional name that is given to various types of products that are made from shreds sewn together (patchwork).
Kurak is the name given to various types of items made from scraps sewn together. The name comes from the word "kura", which means "sewn together - assembled from separate pieces" and refers to both finished products and the method of their production. This type of handicraft can be found throughout Central Asia. It was also practiced throughout Kyrgyzstan, but especially in the south.
Entry fee: 1500 som / 20 USD (lunch included)
Location: Barpy village, Jalal-Abad region | Organizer contact: СВТ Jalal-Abad; +996 772 376602

TBD | Bugu Festival
In order to develop and preserve the heritage of the traditions of the Kyrgyz people (handicrafts, traditions, customs, national cuisine, national games - burkut saluu, hunting with taigans, salbuurun).
Also, there will be a competition of national clothes.
Short films about “Bug Ene”, “Ak Ilbirs” will be shown, where a folklore and ethnographic concert will also be shown in parallel.
Location: Animal shelter «Bugu Maral» Naryn State Reserve | Google Map | Organizer contact: Naryn State Administration; +996 701 030201

June 27-28, 2025 | Kyrgyz Shyrdak international Festival
The goal is to pass on the heritage from the ancestors, preserve intangible cultural values, develop the Shyrdak craft, involve the next generation of young people in the field of crafts and prepare new young craftsmen for the next festival.
Location: Naryn | Google Map | Organizer contact: +996 555 300400

July 05, 2025 | Agro-Ethno Festival
Enjoy a Kyrgyz folklore show and take part in "wool" crafts classes and games. Witness the sheep shearing process, participate in milk masterclasses, and explore dairy milk product demonstrations.
Location: Yurt camp «Zhaichy» Issyk-Kul region | Google Map | Organizer contact: +996 557 556455,
August 16, 2025 | Yurt Festival
In Kyzyl-Tuu, an ethno-cultural festival of yurts is underway. Festival guests can experience Kyrgyz culture, watch yurt-making, enjoy traditional food, take part in various competitions and games and buy souvenirs.
Entry fee: 2500 som
Location: Kyzyl-Tuu Village, Southern shore of Issyk-Kul Lake| Google Map | Organizer contact: Tolosun Bektemirov; +996 700 411 011

TBD | Ethno-festival “Teskey Jeek”
Program of the ethno-festival:
the show "Salbuurun";
ethno-sport games;
yurt construction competition;
folklore program;
traditional equestrian games, Kok-Boru, Kyz Kuumai
Location: Territories of the Ton district Issyk-Kul region | Google Map | Organizer contact: Destination Teskey Jeek; +996 707 090412

TBD | Kol-Fest - Central Asian music and arts Festival

Kөl Fest is one of Central Asia’s first Global Music and Arts festivals, bringing together people, music and creative arts from Central Asia and beyond, taking place on the south shore of Lake Issyk-Kul, Kyrgyzstan, every summer since 2019 and gathered 1500 people in 2022. Located on a beach near Bokonbayevo and Ton, the festival offers stunning lake and mountain views. The festival site is surrounded by yurt camps, plenty of camping space and is conveniently located near the district center, offering all essential amenities. In addition to the music program, the festival offers various workshops and seminars including arts workshops, language lessons, dance, yoga and more. Master classes related to Kyrgyzstan’s nomadic culture such as yurt building, archery, cooking, felt making are also very popular among the guests of the festival. The unique location, local culture and the wider program offer make the festival a place for unique experiences and exchanges.
Location: Southern coast of Issyk-Kul lake, Bokonbaevo village | Google Map | Organizer contact: +996 556 331106
TBD | Issyk-Kul eco-ethno Festival Temir Kanat
Attracting residents of Kyrgyzstan and all of humanity to strengthen measures and protect the environment, respect for nature, expanding further activities to increase the number of snow leopards.
Location: Temir-Kanat village, Ton district Issyk-Kul region | Organizer contact: Rima Sharsheeva; +996 555 265665
July 24-27, 2025 | International Festival “Oimo”
Artisans from different countries exhibit their products at the stalls of the Handicrafts Fair, which continues traditions of the Silk Road.
Location: Bishkek, Ala-Too Square| Organizer contact:

July 06 & August 03, 2025| National horse games Festival
Traditional horse-riding competitions in Ulak- tartysh, Kyz-Kuumai, Tyin- enmey and er-enish.
Entry fee: 2000 som / 22 USD (lunch included)
Ulak tartysch (goat ripping)
Several teams are involved in this game, which is very popular in Kyrgyzstan. The referee places a dead, gutted goat into the center of the court without a head. At the referee's mark, the players gallop to the dead animal. One grabs it, holds it with his foot and rushes over the racetrack. He is followed by members of other teams to wrest the buck from him. The goat goes from one to the other until the victorious rider puts him in the predetermined place. There are two round circles at the end of the field, bordered by old hoops, as goals. Anyone who manages to throw the goat into the opponent's goal has won one point.
Kyz Kumai (catch the girl)
Kyz-Kumai is a national riding game from Kyrgyzstan. A young single woman and a single young man take part in this game. Both have to be able to ride well because the young man on the racetrack has to catch up with the girl who galloped off some time earlier. If the young man catches her, he has the right to kiss her, in the old days he was even able to marry her. But if the clumsy young man cannot catch up with the girl, the young woman on the way back can hit him with the whip.
Tyiyn Enmei (picking up the coin from the ground)
In this race, a few riders can participate. The total length of the distance from the starting point to the finish - not more than 100 meters, the participant comes to the starting line after the judge's sign. On the clean and smooth flagged ground, 50-60 meters from the starting line, there is a coin to be picked up by the rider. The participant should ride in a gallop. For each participant three rounds are allowed. Victory is awarded to the one who has picked up the coin several times from the ground.
Location: Kyzyl-Oi village, Suusamyr | Google Map | Organizer contact: СВТ Kyzyl-Oi; +996 555 417847, +996 559 568838

Immerse yourself in Kyrgyz culture with a performance by a Manaschy, showcasing the epic tale of Manas. Enjoy traditional Kyrgyz horse games, a folklore show, and Kyrgyz cuisine.
Enter fee: 2000 KGS (Lunch included)
Location: Talas city | Organizer contact: +996 508 228 798, +996 772 643 466
TBD | Birds of Prey Festival
The Birds of Prey Festival is one of the brightest and most exciting events in the cultural events of Kyrgyzstan. Here you can see a lot of birds of prey - from eagles and golden eagles to gyrfalcons and falcons. Predatory and willful birds with sharp claws and graceful beaks are natural
hunters, whom in some incomprehensible way people learned to tame in ancient times.
Location: Tong village, Southern coast of Issyk-Kul Lake | Organizer contact: Bakyt Choytonbaev; +996 700 267795, +996 778 267795

August Dates TBD| Adventure Tourism and Mountaineering Festival of Alai Valley
National games, artists performances, climbing, trekking, downhill skiing, walking, riding on horseback and yaks.
Location: Osh region, Achyk-Tash tract | Organizer contact: +996 312 651221
TBD | Tangor Festival
Annual gastro-festival, in order to popularize the life, cuisine and culture of small peoples
Location: Yrdyk village near Karakol| Organizer contact: +996 558 980990

July 28, 2025 | KOCHKOR FEST Ethno festival of equestrian games and handicrafts
Traditional horse-riding competitions in Ulak- tartysh, Kyz-Kuumai, Tyin- enmey and Kok-Boru. Folklore show, Fair, Master Classes, National Concert
Location: Song-Kol lake, Batai Aral | Organizer contact: +996 705 461 873

TBD | International “Oimo” Festival, Cholpon-Ata
Artisans from different countries exhibit their products on the shelves of the Craft Fair, which continues the traditions of the Great Silk Road. Artists and amateur groups perform at the venues, a solemn parade of artisans and festival guests is held.
Location: Bishkek, a square near «Ala-Too» movie theatre, National Museum of Fine Arts named after Gapar Aitiev | Organizer contact: +996 555 960577

August 20, 2025 | Birds of Prey and Equestrian Festival
Show of falconry, show of national equestrian games Ulak Tartysh and Tyiyn Enmey. Hunting with golden eagles is a national tradition of the Kyrgyz, Kazakhs and Mongols. It goes back to ancient times, when it was the only way to get food. In order to accustom these wild birds of prey to serve man, it was necessary to know the nature and habits of birds and their capabilities.
Entry fee: 2000 som (22 USD).
Location: Tamchy village (northern coast of Issyk-Kul lake) | Organizer contact: +996 705 629 472,

August 09, 2025 | Birds of Prey Festival
Entry fee: 2500 som (40 USD). Program includes:
exhibition of the birds of prey,
craftsmen fair;
national games with tourists;
folklore program;
yurt construction competition.
Location: Jaichy Yurt camp, Southern coast of Issyk-Kul Lake |Organizer contact: CBT-Bokonbaevo; +996 507 678 700

TBD | Shyrdak Master Festival
Annual competition among craftswomen in shyrdak from all over the country. A holiday organized for shyrdak lovers in order to popularize the Kyrgyz handicraft technique. The program includes traditional games, folklore performances, craftsman classes and more.
Location: Bishkek, Baibol Complex | Organizer contact: Mansur Abylaev; +996 770 333323

TBD | National dish Festival
Cooking national Kyrgyz and Uzbek dishes. At the festival, you can see how traditional dishes are prepared, as well as taste them. Folklore concerts are also held. It should also be noted that almost all dishes of Kyrgyz cuisine have meat as the main ingredient: lamb, beef, horse meat and yak meat. This is due to the pastoral traditions of the nomadic Kyrgyz, which go deep into antiquity.
Entry fee: 800 som (10 USD).
Location: Jalal-Abad city | Organizer contact:

TBD | Nukura Festival
"Nukura" festival is held in order to attract both Kyrgyz and foreign tourists to the city of Naryn, and to get acquainted with the local culture and traditions that have existed for many years since the founding of the city of Naryn. Also, a demonstration of the traditions of the Kyrgyz people is envisaged.
Location: Naryn city | Organizer contact: +996 700 872720
TBD | Autumn Walnut Marathon
Marathon in the world's largest walnut fruit forest. During the holiday you can see a lot of interesting traditional moments and participation in various competitions.
Entry fee: 1000 som / 13 USD (entrance fee, lunch and folklore show); Participation in the marathon 1000 soms
Location: Jalal-Abad region, Arslanbob village | Google Map | Organizer contact: CBT Arslanbob; +996 777 342476